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4 Reasons Your Employees Run For The Hills

4 Reasons Your Employees Run For The Hills

It really doesn’t matter if you are the bee’s knees or a bee sting, unfortunately, employees will eventually leave you ):

It’s the talented ones who truly leave a mark when they leave, but even those with quite a bit of room for improvement will be missed … at least a little, right? Some employees have obvious reasons for quitting. They may despise management or simply need more money. But, some reasons are not as clear-cut.

1. Higher salary: Sure, some employees genuinely need more money and it just may not be within your budget to provide that. Remember, not having the budget and being stingy are very different … always be fair! Either way, employees may cite the pay rate as the reason for their resignation, but that may not necessarily be true. The results of a salary.com survey show that 54% of respondents are willing to accept a lower salary in exchange for a happier work life. With that said, it may be useful to also (regularly) consider the non-monetary needs of your employees. 

2. Poor management: “People leave managers, not companies.” According to a Gallup study, 1 out of 2 employees resigned as the result of poor management. High-quality managers can properly tend to both your business and your employees. Be sure to hire managers who possess a genuine desire and ability to effectively communicate. For the sake of their well-being, employees need to feel appreciated. And that appreciation begins with hiring a leader who views his/her staff as more than subordinates. 

Angry cat

3. The environment is awful: Again, 54% of respondents are willing to accept a lower paying position for a happier work life. Employee translation: Keep your money, I need my sanity. From gossip, to bullying, to underappreciation and everything in between, it’s no wonder that percentage is so high. As the leader, it is up to you to create an environment that is conducive to learning and performing. By setting standards and adhering to the same, you can have an awesome work environment in no time!

4. Your employees feel invisible: It’s easy to get caught up in running your business like a machine, so to speak. And, the pressure to produce and earn can take you away from other things that matter. Showing a healthy interest in your employees can really benefit both sides. If they feel valued, it will show in both attitude and performance. So, what are examples of a healthy interest? 

  • A card, small gift, or party for birthdays and holidays.
  • Regular verbal indications of appreciation.
  • Recognition of family members. Just a simple, “Please tell Sara happy birthday for me”, or “Good luck with your son’s game tomorrow” is great!
  • Checking in throughout the year to ask questions about their work-related needs.

By using good, old-fashioned communication and keeping the 4 reasons employees quit in mind, by this time next year, you may not lose anyone!

Hope all goes well!

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